The 40 best places to sell stuff online to make cash money

The 40 best places to sell stuff online to make cash money

My parents have a bit of a problem throwing things out. They aren’t hoarders per se, but our basement is perpetually full of things that my mother swears she will sell in a garage sale one day. That garage sale is never happening, and the state of our basement is dire. Thank goodness for the internet, where you can sell pretty much anything, and where I’m going to unload everything. 
Sure, there are plenty of places to sell your stuff online, but it can be pretty overwhelming. And when you have a variety of things to sell, like my parents do, it can be hard to keep track of which items you should post on a particular site. So we broke it down by category, from clothes to electronics to furniture and more, with some of the most user friendly and profitable websites for finding a potential buyer and getting rid of your goods. Happy selling! Read more…More about Amazon, Ebay, Tech, and Work Life
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